she's ours!

Posted by as | 5/22/2005 | , | 2 comments »

Third time in four years...

OK, so yesterday's Cup Final wasn't the classic that we were all hoping for, but the game did have its moments. Rooney was hot the entire game and I was sure he was going to hit a beauty into the roof of Lehmann's net every time he got the ball, the stocky little bastard. Thank Christ Jens put in a great performance, he was the only Arsenal player who really shone. Manure totally outplayed us, as can be seen from the game stats, but it ain't never over until it's over...

The first final to ever to go to penalties, so the record-breakers that are Arsenal continue setting records, of's a cruel way to end a game, but probably better than starting all over again in a replay. Scholes is probably feeling a little sore after having his penalty saved, but who cares??

Best moments of all:

Ljunberg's reflex header off the line, unbelievable...

AND seeing Fergie wince the moment he knew we'd won the Cup. Time to retire mate...


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  2. Anonymous // 9:32 PM  

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