profits slashed

Posted by as | 3/22/2005 | | 1 comments »

Oh no, that's a real shame. Profits down at Manure? Will that mean an influx of cut-price 'stars' this summer, rather than the next Rooney or Rio? I'm personally gutted, though have decided to do my's my list of bargains that Manure might just fancy:

  • Eric Djemba Djemba
  • Diego Forlan
  • Fabien Barthez
  • Juan Sebastian Veron (though he might just prove an expensive flop...)
  • Liam Miller (what? they already have him, who would have known...)

So, at least 4 fresh faces this summer, what do you think?

And continuing on in the caring, sharing mood, I think I know what I want for of these will do nicely, Mrs. LBLS.