13 days and counting

Posted by as | 5/08/2005 | | 2 comments »

As the season draws to an end and Chelski parade their blood money trophy around Stamford Bridge, there's one more trophy up for grabs that seems to have escaped the attention of everyone in the past few days. Yep, the FA Cup final.

The big one, a glorious day out for all, typically bathed in untypically British sunshine. Me, I can't wait, as every game with Manure holds a special interest, and of late, always a moment of drama and bedlam. Let's hope that the game keeps that element of suspense and drama, though with perhaps a touch of the good-spirited Chelski-Arsenal games that have been played this season. So, Roy Keane, Gary Neville, and Ruud Van Horse, that means playing fair and square, without the usual follow through tackles and boots raked down shins...

In true Cup Final spirit, let me take you back to the 2003 winning line-up (1-0 over the soon to be relegated Southampton): Seaman (where is he today?), Lauren, Keown, Luzhny, Cole; Gilberto, Parlour, Ljungberg, Pires; Bergkamp (Wiltord 77), Henry. This game did of course see the introduction of the Cup Final BBQ, so rudely interrupted by Manure last year, but so relieved to be making a return in 13 more days...


  1. Anonymous // 10:35 AM  

    we are win to Cardiff!
    Arsenal GO.

  2. as // 12:00 PM  

    You betcha!